Each item is checked for quality before shipping and carefully and securely packed to ensure that you receive it in perfect condition. Our goal is that you are 100% satisfied with your purchase. If your item is defective, please return it to us and we pay you in full including shipping. We guarantee that we will not chicanerons and we promise to make the process as easy as possible. If you wish to return your item because you no longer need, this is not a problem.
Simply return it to us within 30 days, unused and in its original packaging, and we will give full refund of the purchase cost. In these cases, we believe it is reasonable to expect that the buyer pays return shipping. Rsr motorcycle was created by richard gilbert paul jordan. We are old school friends and drivers on long motorcycle with a passion for motorcycles. Having worked for industry leaders like Honda and BMW for over two decades has taught us the value of customer service and how to provide it. We decided to implement the lessons we have learned to start his own motorcycle company and rsr bike is the result. You will see that we are professionals 100% seriously, and easy to treat. Our goal is to ensure that you come back repeatedly and recommend us to your friends. We post locally in Germany and France. The item \The seller is \This article can be shipped worldwide.